Business & Economic Research
Atlantic’s business and economic research products provide insights that are central to the creation of compelling business and commercialization plans as well as funding and finance applications. Our suite of research tools provide federal and state government agencies, innovation centers, companies, and start-ups with the answers they need to achieve successful outcomes.
Learn how your company is positioned in a specific industry or industry segment. Our analysis, based on secondary research sources, offers a clear view of your potential market. The report covers current industry size and structure, product and consumer trends, and potential competitors. This information is an important step for assessing potential growth, risks, and opportunities for your innovative products and services.
Measure consumer attitudes and preferences about your products and innovations. Include customer segmentation analysis or robust willingness to pay studies to get to the heart of the matter when it comes to learning how to achieve success in the marketplace. We have long-term relationships with leading third-party hosting platforms that help us achieve representative samples.
Gauge interest in your technology, product, or service from businesses in a specific segment or industry to inform future business and planning decisions. We urge our clients to do early-stage B2B surveys to help design the most compelling product, as defined by future customers! Atlantic can use client-generated contact lists or we can build one for you from scratch to your ideal customer and client profiles.
Analyze the effect of an event or new activity on the economy in a specific region. Assess changes in income, job numbers, tax revenue, and other factors that can be vital for organizational, governmental, and community decision-making. We develop input-output models to estimate the economic impact of direct, indirect, and induced effects. This tool is especially helpful to policy makers and to businesses involved in public-private partnerships.
New Venture Acceleration Program
Atlantic’s New Venture Acceleration Program consists of a custom secondary market research report and six business development modules to facilitate the preparation of compelling business plans, presentations, and funding and financing applications. The program is designed to support business development for innovative technology. We have administered this program to individual clients and to cohorts of companies operating out of business incubators and innovation centers, and to dozens of Small Business Innovation Research grant awardees.